Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ask Me Anything, As Long As It Ain't Stupid

Hey Mung,
What do you think of Peyton Manning signing with the Broncos?
Dave & Sindy G., Denver, CO

Let me begin by saying I love that name- Sindy with an "S", man is that hot! I once knew a Sindy who tended bar at Hooters. Damn...But I digress. My congrats to Peyton Manning for getting $96 million even with that sore neck of his. But you know what? The Broncos made a good move. Tim Tebow got lots of help from the Man Above during that eight game winning streak, but John Elway is a man who knew how to throw a football and he knew Timmy's throwing motion just wasn't right. Maybe for Pop Warner but not for the Big Show. So I think if Peyton can stay upright the Broncos will be a factor in the AFC West.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ask Me Anything, Just Make Sure It Ain't Stupid

Hey Mung! What do you make of this whole Jeremy Lin stuff?
Carla D., Des Moines, IA

Mung: Carla, that boy can play! I wouldn't exactly say when he's runnin' the show it's a "Chinese Fire Drill" because that would be politically incorrect, but he's got those Knicks playin' ball like they haven't been in Lord knows how many years! 'Looks like he knows when to drive and when to back off and find the open man. And he can shoot too! But I'll tell ya what, the Miami Heat made Lin look silly. I just hope he don't let it bother him too much. I just hope he and Melo can find peace and harmony.

Hi Mung, I'm studying for my physics exam and I'm having trouble with Einstein's theory of relativity. Can you sum it up?
Dave W., Chicago, IL

Mung: Sure thing Dave. Simple. General relativity is a theory of gravitation. The development of general relativity began with the equivalence principle under which the states of accelerated motion and being at rest in a gravitational field are physically identical.
Whoo-wee!!! My head is hurtin' somethin' fierce. I best be laying down a bit. Chow y'all!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ask Me Anything, As Long As It Ain't Stupid

Hi Mung,
What did you think about the Super Bowl?
Chuck and Cindy C., Atlanta, GA

Glad you asked C & C - I was planning on having just a few of the boys over to watch the game - just got a new 32" HDTV the Sunday prior, but Layla, my second ex decided to bring over three of her girlfriends from her place of business. And they didn't come alone! With them came a helpin' of food including plenty of stuff that was brown and hot. Well needless to say I ate a bunch of it and sure 'nuff came the final four minutes and I can't get off the throne!  So I had to have them blast the volume to the max while I sat there cursin' every minute of it! Didn't matter to me who won, but it was good seeing Eli get himself a second ring. Had to watch the celebration highlights on the 11:00 o'clock news with Earl Peters. Next year I'm lockin' the door and it'll be just me and 'ol Jack.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ask Me Anything, As Long As It Ain't Stupid

What up Mung? Who do you like in the Super Bowl?
Dennis T., Louisville, KY
Mung: Glad you asked me that one Denny! I know that pretty boy Tom Brady has three rings and a trophy wife and 'ol poker face coach Bill gets 'er done even though he's about as interesting as a barn rat, but truth is the Giants are winning this. Their defensive line will kick the Patriots offensive line all over the yard and sack Tommy boy five times. You heard right - those big city boys are gonna win by 8.

Hey Mung. Love your honesty. Do you think the Colts will keep Peyton Manning?
Fred G., Indianapolis, IN

Mung: Got some bad news for you Freddie. You might as well call owner Jim Irsay "no way Irsay!" Ain't no way that dude's shellin' out a 28 million dollar bonus to a guy who can't even turn his head to watch a hottie walk by. Hell I had my neck in a brace for eight weeks after my ATV went off-road and nobody gave me nothin' but cackles! Peyton better start circling jobs ads in the local pennysaver.