What up Mung? Who do you like in the Super Bowl?
Dennis T., Louisville, KY
Mung: Glad you asked me that one Denny! I know that pretty boy Tom Brady has three rings and a trophy wife and 'ol poker face coach Bill gets 'er done even though he's about as interesting as a barn rat, but truth is the Giants are winning this. Their defensive line will kick the Patriots offensive line all over the yard and sack Tommy boy five times. You heard right - those big city boys are gonna win by 8.
Hey Mung. Love your honesty. Do you think the Colts will keep Peyton Manning?
Fred G., Indianapolis, IN
Mung: Got some bad news for you Freddie. You might as well call owner Jim Irsay "no way Irsay!" Ain't no way that dude's shellin' out a 28 million dollar bonus to a guy who can't even turn his head to watch a hottie walk by. Hell I had my neck in a brace for eight weeks after my ATV went off-road and nobody gave me nothin' but cackles! Peyton better start circling jobs ads in the local pennysaver.
Dennis T., Louisville, KY
Mung: Glad you asked me that one Denny! I know that pretty boy Tom Brady has three rings and a trophy wife and 'ol poker face coach Bill gets 'er done even though he's about as interesting as a barn rat, but truth is the Giants are winning this. Their defensive line will kick the Patriots offensive line all over the yard and sack Tommy boy five times. You heard right - those big city boys are gonna win by 8.
Hey Mung. Love your honesty. Do you think the Colts will keep Peyton Manning?
Fred G., Indianapolis, IN
Mung: Got some bad news for you Freddie. You might as well call owner Jim Irsay "no way Irsay!" Ain't no way that dude's shellin' out a 28 million dollar bonus to a guy who can't even turn his head to watch a hottie walk by. Hell I had my neck in a brace for eight weeks after my ATV went off-road and nobody gave me nothin' but cackles! Peyton better start circling jobs ads in the local pennysaver.