Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ask Me Anything Just Make Sure It Ain't Stupid

Dear Mung: We have been Dodger fans since the team moved to LA in 1958 and we think it's a disgrace what Frank McCourt and his wife have done to our team. How do we get rid of them?
Charles and Nellie V., Valencia, CA

Mung: It sure is pitiful Chuck. Looks like Frank McCourt's name fits him just right - especially the "Court" part. Down here we would use a good strong rope, but I guess times have changed. Playing Three Card Monte with other people's money, that's what old Frank's been doin'. Personally I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire. I just hope Miss Jamie takes him for all she can.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ask Me Anything, Just Make Sure It Ain't Stupid

Dear Mung: How high do you think BYU's Jimmer Fredette will go in the NBA Draft?
Hugh G., Denver, CO

Mung: Man, that boy can shoot! But I gotta wonder H.G. what kind of skills he brings to the other side of the court. I mean I don't think he can play "d" worth a damn and gettin' off shots in college sure ain't the same as gettin' them off in the show. Also, he'll be a big drag on his teammates when they all want to go to the "Gentleman's Club" after a game when he'll want to stay in and read "The Book." I'll say he'll end up with the Utah Jazz.

Mung: We think it's great to see Jack McKeon back managing the Florida Marlins even though he's up there in age. What do you think?
Lou and Selma S., Melbourne, FL

Mung: Up there in age? Shoot, that 'ol dude is knocking on the Pearly Gates with both fists! I hear he's 80 if he ain't a day. Wait 'till he sees Hanley Ramirez trot after a foul pop up with a runner on third, he'll have himself a grade A fit! If I were 'ol Jack I'd load up on those diapers for his britches 'cause he's gonna make one big mess in the dugout.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ask Me Anything, Just Make Sure It Ain't Stupid

Mr. Mung: What do you make of LeBron James having such a miserable series against Dallas?
Chad T., Salina, KS

Mung: LeBron James shooting in the fourth quarter reminded me of the home movies my daddy took of me when I was a lil' bitty one throwin' a sponge ball around in our above ground pool. Hell, I think I hit my brother Jake more than LBJ hit the rim. It's sad Chad that after taking his talents to South Beach he made such a damn fool of himself on tv. That German dude really did a number on him.

Mung: See any good movies so far this summer?
Ramon D., Flint, MI

Mung: Haven't been in awhile 'cause there are just too many chick flicks. I take a liking to stuff getting blown up.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ask Me Anything, Just Make Sure It Ain't Stupid

Hey, Mung: What's up with this Pryor kid at Ohio State?
Dennis G., Louisville, KY

Mung: I was just thinkin' about that myself. 31-4 as a starting qb with the Buckeyes, the world by the you-know-whats. Man, I got tatoos on top of tatoos and I can't recall where I got half of 'em. I don't see why he'd have to trade jersey's and pants to get tatooed and throw away his career like that. 'Reckon he's gonna end up playing in Canada like the Thrashers.

Mung, your thoughts on the our beloved Atlanta Thrashers moving to Winnipeg. We are absolutely heart broken!
Jill and Jake Y., Atlanta, GA

Mung: The thought of it makes me ice cold - and the only ice cold stuff I like is layin' on the top shelf of my fridge. I don't think they gave the Thrashers a chance to grow before they pulled the plug. Hell, I'm still tryin' to figure out what off sides is! But I'll tell you what, those dudes are tough. I saw one 'ol boy lose his front teeth and he just kept on skatin' like it was nothin' more than a slap in the face from his ex. I sure hope those folks up in Winnipeg appreciate what they're gettin'.

Hey Mung: I think paying college players like Steve Spurrier wants is bad for college football. Your thoughts.
Clark J., Columbia, SC

Mung: Pay to play? Heck, I'd pay them to play! Since I was little bitty thing I always dreamed of playing for a major school. The furthest I got was a few pickup games outback. I figure with all the free schooling they get, not to mention the booze and babes and free cars, they're coming out on top if you know what I mean.